If there is someone in your family who is terminally ill, you will try your best to find a cure for his or her illness. One way of helping them recover is by stem cell therapy. This is because stem cells can be used to make any type of blood cell that the body of the ill requires. There are many sources of stem cells in the body, but the best and purest form of the cell is the baby stem cells.

Important Information about Stem Cells

This is because the umbilical cord connects the baby to its mother’s womb, is the richest and most versatile source of stem cells. These cells can be harvested and preserved for future use. This preservation is called cord blood banking or stem cell banking. You must store your baby’s stem cells in a stem cell bank to ensure you have a way of saving your baby and your family from any future illness. The umbilical cord stem cell harvesting is safe for both the mother as well as the child. But embryonic stem cells can be preserved only when the embryo is destroyed.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are those cells that are capable of growing into other types of cells such as tissues, bone cells, brain cells, blood cells, and muscle cells. These cells are sometimes called miracle cells because they can treat various chronic diseases, and on top of that, they can even reverse the damage. They can reproduce and duplicate themselves in an endless manner. They are also responsible for the repair and regeneration of the body. Stem cell banking has saved numerous lives and is making it easier to treat many diseases with the help of stem cells. These cells can be saved for future use, which will be beneficial for both babies and their families if they develop some kind of chronic disease.

How are stem cells preserved?

Stem cell preservation is a somewhat simple process. A few moments after the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord which connects the baby to the mother’s womb is clamped and cut. The blood from the umbilical cord, called cord blood, is collected in a special type of bag. After that, the collected cord blood is transported to the stem cell bank. The stem cells are isolated. Along with that, the plasma and the red blood corpuscles are removed from the blood unit. These collected cells can be stored and preserved for as long as 21 years. During these years, the parents can collect their baby’s stem cells from the bank. But for that, they will need a health professional’s reference and prescription.

Why should you preserve your baby’s stem cells?

Stem cell preservation has become increasingly popular in all of India, even in small towns and villages. Every month, more than 20 people register for stem cell preservation in cord blood banks. The reason for this increased demand can be because of the fact that this process poses no risk to the mother as well as the new-born. Let us look at various other reasons you should opt for cord blood banking.

  • Many diseases can be treated:

Stem cells can help in treating more than 80 diseases. These diseases include cancer, lymphoma, leukaemia, autoimmune diseases, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, stroke, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and various other life-threatening chronic diseases. These diseases can be treated with the help of stem cells because of their outstanding ability to grow into different types of cells. These cells can be either harvested at the time of birth from the umbilical cord or from the bone marrow. The process of obtaining stem cells from the cord blood is simpler and pain-free as compared to the process of obtaining it from the bone marrow. Harvesting of stem cells from the bone marrow can result in other health problems as well, which means that it is not a safe procedure. That is why preserving stem cells at the time of birth is a far better option.

  • Acts as a safeguard for your family’s health:

One of the most important decisions you will have to make during pregnancy is whether or not to bank your baby’s stem cells. Since these cells can be found in the umbilical cord blood and can be saved for future use, they can be used to help your family members or to rebuild damaged cells in your baby’s body. People with a history of genetic disorders should consider banking cord blood cells. The process of collecting blood and harvesting stem cells is carried out immediately after the delivery of a baby, and that is why this decision must be made before you give birth.

One of the smartest decisions you could take for your baby as well as your family is preserving your baby’s stem cells in a bank. If you plan to do so, you have to choose a cord blood bank before your pregnancy is over. Your chosen bank will contact your gynaecologist about the entire process. After you give birth, the blood from the cord and placenta is collected and sent to the bank. In the bank, the stem cells are collected and preserved. This will provide you with an assurance that in case your baby is diagnosed with some chronic disease, you will be able to help them through stem cell therapy.