Moles can be a source of stress, especially if they are new. The more you know about the mole, the easier it is to deal with and understand what’s going on. Mole checks are always a sensitive and challenging topic. It’s hard to know what is normal and when you should worry about the physical changes on your skin. If you find anything suspicious, you shouldn’t wait. Instead, get a mole check done. If you want to get mole check-in Adelaide done, book an appointment with Sun doctors Australia. In a highly professional skin cancer clinic, their staff performs the skin check using specialized equipment. 

We’ve put together this guide for understanding moles so that you can take control of your situation and get the mole check done before things get worse.

What does a mole look like? 

Moles come in all shapes and sizes, but they usually appear as dark spots on your skin. They’re often round or oval-shaped and have hair growing out of them when they are raised from the surface of your skin (known as elevated). Sometimes flat-topped ones will stay close to the surface without having any hairs coming out at all. People often notice new moles after age 40, but children also develop them from time to time.

Why is it essential to get a mole check done? 

Moles can be harmless, but they can also be a sign of melanoma. If you notice any changes in your mole, it’s essential to get it checked by a doctor. You should have your moles checked every 3-6 months or if there is a change in the mole’s size, shape, or colour.

It’s best to get them checked out, so you don’t risk getting melanoma and harming yourself. The sooner you find out about this issue, the better chance there is for treatment!

How is the mole check done? 

Have you ever had a mole check done? If not, then it’s time to find out what your moles are trying to tell you. Moles can be indicators of skin cancer and other diseases. They’re also just plain old freckles that need some love too.  

There are many ways to get a mole check done, but some of the most common methods are listed below. 

1) Visit your doctor or dermatologist for an examination. They will tell you whether or not there is anything concerning the size, shape, colouration, etc., of the mole in question. 

2) Use an online service like Mole Detective to provide information about moles based on photos uploaded by users. This site has been used by over 2 million people since its inception in 2007 and is considered one of the best sources for accurate information about moles available today. 

3) Order a DNA test kit that will allow you to find out more information about your genetic makeup, including what types of cancers run in your family as well as any other health risks that may exist due to mutations within specific genes (e.g., BRCA). 

4) Purchase a home-use device called MoleMapper, which allows you to take pictures of any suspicious looking spots on your body with just one click so experts can analyze them at their lab who specializes in identifying possible melanoma cells and other types of cancerous growths before they become dangerous later down the line. 

5) Get yourself checked out at Sundoctors Australia, where their team specializes in detecting skin abnormalities such as moles using advanced technology. 

The Bottom Line 

Have you been noticing any changes in your skin lately? If so, it could be a sign of skin cancer. The best way to find out if your mole is cancerous is by getting a mole check done by a dermatologist or other qualified medical professional.